2023 JAAS Autumn Convention Program

November 25, 2023

Organized Panel 1. Cultural Cold War and Knowledge: Area Studies and Modernization Theory

Chair: Yuka Tsuchiya Moriguchi (Kyoto University)

Presentation 1: Masaki Fujioka (Kyoto University)
“Debates on Modernization Theory between the United States and Japan in the 1960s:
Discrepancies in Value Systems and Perspectives on History at the Hakone Conference”

Presentation 2: Somei Kobayashi (Nihon University)
“The Korean West German Diplomacy and the Promotion of Korean Studies from the 1960s to the 1980s”

Discussant: Shin Kawashima (University of Tokyo), Maiko Ichihara (Hitotsubashi University)

Individual Papers 1. Politics of Asia

Chair: Chisako Masuo (Kyushu University)

Presentation 1: Moriki Aita (National Institute for Defense Studies)
“National Defense Construction in the Jiang Zemin Era: Focusing on Air Force Modernization”

Presentation 2: Kento Takashiro (Kyoto University)
“A Study on the Debate of Government Forms in Korea in the Early Period of Syngman Rhee’s Administration: Focusing on the Contents of the Constitutional Amendment in March 1950 and
January 1952 and the Deliberation and Analysis of the National Assembly”

Discussant: Chisako Masuo (Kyushu University), Noriyo Isozaki (Gakushuin University)

Individual Papers 2. Economic and Industrial Policy of China

Chair: Takaaki Kanazawa (Wakayama University)

Presentation 1: Yajing Liu (Hiroshima Shudo University)
“Impact of Government Guidance Funds and Local Financial Environments on Chinese Industrial Enterprises’ Performance”

Presentation 2: Kan Hayata (Graduate School, Keio University)
“Opening-up Policy under the “Revive the Northeast” Program in 2000s: The Policy Process of Opening-up in Liaoning Province”

Discussant: Nariaki Kai (Kansai University), Chuang Men (Osaka Sangyo University)

Individual Papers 3. Finance

Chair: Takuji Kinkyo (Kobe University)

Presentation 1: Hidenobu Okuda (Teikyo University)
“Capital Structure of Cambodian Banking Industry and Its Implications for Prudential Policy”

Presentation 2: Yingying Sun (Graduate School, Osaka Sangyo University)
“A Study About the Financial Activity of ShanXi Piaohao in China’s Inland Market of Late Qing Dynasty:  Focusing on the Economic Network of Rishengchang Piaohao”

Discussant: Jun Saito (Institute of Developing Economies), Manhan Siu (Osaka University of Economics)

Organized Panel 2. Phases of Social Security Systems in Asia Differences from the advanced welfare state?

Chair: Keiichiro Oizumi (Asia University)

Presentation 1: Kim Sung Won (University of Tokyo)
“’Post Catch-up Challenges’ in South Korea’s Social Security System”

Presentation 2: Viet Tiep Nguyen (Graduate School, University of Tokyo)
“The Future of Social Security System in Vietnam”

Presentation 3: Yusuke Miyoshi (Former Researcher for Economic Affairs, Embassy of Japan in Thailand)
“The Transition and Current Status of the Social Security System in Thailand: Focusing on Ageing in Middle-Income Countries”

Discussant: Hirota Nakanishi (Teikyo University)

Individual Papers 4. Politics of China

Chair: Takashi Suzuki (Daito Bunka University)

Presentation 1: Jun Zhou (Doshisha University)
“Petition and Repression in the Early Years of the People’s Republic of China”

Presentation 2: Bei Jin (University of Tokyo)
“Civil Society Under the Pandemic: A Study on Its Role in Urban China”

Presentation 3: Xuefeng Qiu (Graduate School, Keio University)
“The Construction of the Management System of Intellectuals in the People’s Republic of China: the Political Process Leading up to the Conference on Intellectuals in 1956”

Discussant: Hiroko Naito (Institute of Developing Economies), Huangyan Zheng (University of Tokyo), Kazuyuki Suwa (University of Shizuoka)

Individual Papers 5. Politics and Governance of Southeast Asia

Chair: Fumio Nagai (Osaka Metropolitan University)

Presentation 1: Takuya Hasegawa (Toyo University)
“Diffusion of the Ban on Single-use Plastic Bags among Local Governments in Indonesia”

Presentation 2: Yasuhito Asami (Hosei University) and Tomoko Matsumoto (Tokyo University of Science)
“Regional differences in the Voting Behaviors in Thailand: An Analysis Based on the Polling-station-level Data of the General Election in May 2023”

Discussant: Akiko Morishita (Ritsumeikan University), Yoshifumi Tamada (Open University of Japan)

Individual Papers 6. Private Sector and Economic Growth

Chair: Fumiharu Mieno (Kyoto University)

Presentation 1: Yuri Sato (Japan Foundation)
“Does Suppliers’ Relational Investment Ensure Sustained Growth? Evidence from Motorcycle Industry in Indonesia and Vietnam”
Presentation 2: Yurui Xu (Graduate School, Ritsumeikan University)
“The Development of China’s Manufacturing Platform: A Case Study of Shenyang Machine Group”

Presentation 3: Qian Lu (Graduate School, Josai International University)
“A Study of Pinduoduo’s Marketing Strategy: Focusing on the Potential for Value Creation by Producers, Platform Operators, and Consumers”

Discussant: Takahiro Sato (Kobe University), Ryoji Nakagawa (Ritsumeikan University), Shanping Yan (Doshisha University)

Individual Papers 7. Labor Policy of China

Chair: Kazuya Wada (Kanazawa University)

Presentation 1: Yue Xu (Graduate School, Keio University)
“The Life and Death of the “Dingti” Policy in China”

Presentation 2: Hitomi Madono (Josai University)
“Development of Employment Policy for Persons with Disabilities in China: Efforts and Challenges to Promote Employment of Persons with Disabilities”

Discussant: Yukari Sawada (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Minoru Teramoto (Institute of Developing Economies)

15:15-17:45 Globalization and its Reversal: Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry in Asia

Chair: MACHIKITA Tomohiro (CSEAS, Kyoto University)

Speaker: SATO Yukihito (Institute of Developing Economies)
“Taiwan’s Roles: Semiconductor Industry’s Geographical Concentration under Globalization and Decentralization under Deglobalization”

Speaker: YOSHIOKA Hidemi (Kumamoto University)
“Globalization and Korean Semiconductor Industry: Experiences of Corporate Strategy and Industrial Policy”

Speaker: KAJITANI Kai (Kobe University)
“How Should We Evaluate China’s Industrial Policy?”

Speaker: SAHASHI Ryo (University of Tokyo)
“US-China Rivalry and Its Impacts on Asian Regionalization and Globalization”

Discussants: SHIMIZU Kazufumi (Kyushu University) , TAKENAKA Chiharu (Rikkyo University)

The 70th anniversary